Kolab 389 directory server not responding

Jan Kowalsky jankow at datenkollektiv.net
Fri Sep 7 22:18:33 CEST 2018

Hi Ramiro,

Am 07.09.2018 um 11:47 schrieb Ramiro Aukam:
> Hello
> Our 389 directory server is freezing after some running time (time
> varies , can be multiple days or only few minutes) , even restarting the
> computer doesn't work but if i run/service dirsrv at kolab restart/ it
> takes ~ 1 min to stop but then works for some time again , also if i
> wait for ~ 30 min or longer it also starts working again.

we struggle a lot with 389-ds. While a single server runs fine we get
performance problems spontaneously hangs and crashes in a multimaster
replication environment.

> I have no idea where to search, i searched in all Log files there is no
> error from the directory server.

the error log goes to /var/lib/dirsrv/YOURINSTANCE/error.log

> Is there a documentation about the 389 directory server in kolab because
> it seems to me that it varies from the standart 389 directory server i

maybe depends from your distro. on debian since jessie it's the
unchanged 389-ds from repository.

> couldn't even find a way to turn debug mode on ?

Most of configuraion is done with ldap attributes - some of them are
even configurable during runtime via ldapmodify.


It's all very well documented in either




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