Moving accounts from Kolab 3 to Kolab 16

Timotheus Pokorra pokorra.mailinglists at
Thu Nov 8 08:37:37 CET 2018

Hello Hernan,

>     Another issue is that if I want to send emails from the account on
> the new server to accounts on the old one, I just received an
> "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" message.
>     Checked on the old server the kolabHomeServer, and on the new one
> the same attribute (I do not see it on the new Kolab 16, was it
> replaced for something else?).

At, we are not using kolabHomeServer, but we modify the 
postfix configuration, so that postfix knows of the other server.
We do it on both servers.

should contain a line like:			smtp:[]:25

should contain a line like: OK

then execute:
postmap /etc/postfix/transport
postmap /etc/postfix/transportrecipient
systemctl reload postfix

I hope this works for you!


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