kolab_smtp_access_policy and tables policy_result

Christoph Erhardt christoph.erhardt at sicherha.de
Tue Jun 19 12:28:20 CEST 2018

Hi Jan,

it looks like you have hit an artefact from the upgrade 3.4 -> 16. You 
probably missed step 6 in the upgrade guide:

The table schema is declared in Python using the SQLAlchemy mapper; you can 
find it here:

Since the policy_result table contains only temporary data, it should be safe 
to drop it. The table will then be recreated automatically with the correct 

Best regards,

P.S.: There is an open bug related to the width of the address strings in the 
policy_result table (https://git.kolab.org/T2274). The bugfix will probably 
drop the table every time the pykolab package gets updated.

On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 11:49:57 CEST Jan Kowalsky wrote:
> Hi all,
> while activating the cache_uri in kolab.conf
> [kolab_smtp_access_policy]
> # cache_uri = mysql://kolab:SECRET@sql0.datenkollektiv.net/kolab
> I get allways: 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem; while sending.
> and something like this:
> Jun 19 11:37:35 mx0 postfix/submission/smtpd[17533]: warning: premature
> end-of-input on private/submission_policy while reading input attribute name
> Jun 19 11:37:35 mx0 postfix/submission/smtpd[17533]: warning: problem
> talking to server private/submission_policy: Connection reset by peer
> in mail.log
> I found, I missed the column data in the table policy_result, so I
> created it. But the problem continues. But maybe my database structure
> is still false. I can't find which setup process is responsible to
> create the strukture and neigher an sql file in /usr/share/docs where
> other kolab components store their initial sql queries for creating tables.
> Unfortunately there is nothing in pykolab.log even If I start it with
> user=kolab-n argv=/usr/lib/postfix/kolab_smtp_access_policy
> --verify-sender --verify-recipient -d 9
> any idea?
> Kind regards
> Jan
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