Sending Mails in the name of a shared folder

Philipp Weber at
Thu Oct 19 11:33:03 CEST 2017

Hello dudes,

so my problem at the moment is, i cant create an identity with the mail 
adress of a shared folder.

So i got an shared mail folder "support at domain.tld" and want to give an 
employee/user the posibility to send mails as support at domain.tld.

To exclude the permissions as a problem i gave "anyone" all permission 
including access control.

Wrote the user in the "Delegates" field and submitted it.

In Roundcube i now cant create an identity for the user with the mail 

Did i overlook something?

Can someone post their workflow for this?

Big thanks.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best Regards

Philipp Weber
Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration / Vertrieb

ESC Systeme GmbH
Feldstraße 60
26789 Leer

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Email: weber at

Geschäftsführer: Annette Schröder

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