Kolab installation successes
me at jmwar.de
me at jmwar.de
Fri Mar 17 14:02:23 CET 2017
Kolab 16 single server setup under CentOS 7 works quite perfect just
following the docs.
I disabled guam in my setup but can't use the installation right now
because I can't get the hosted or multidomain functions to a working
If one has a hint for me (please no RTFM, that doesn't work for me,
don't know why, already described my problem at:
I'd be so happy.
If someone is interested, I secured webmail as described here:
https://kolab.org/hub/topic/224/roundcube-over-https/3 with lestencrypt
Am 2017-03-17 12:11, schrieb manganneau at gestranet.net:
> Hi,
> Le 16/03/2017 à 21:55, Geoff Nordli a écrit :
>> Hi.
>> I will be deploying Kolab 16.1 on CentOS shortly.
>> On the mailing list and community hub you only hear about all the things
>> not working.
>> It would be great to hear some people's successes; especially geared
>> towards small business installations.
> Actually, I am reinstalling a server from scratch, on debian 8.
> My last experience was with kolab 3.1 and it was a bit difficult to configure the way I wanted.
> I have tested K16 the past few days and here is what I think : cool :)
> Installation is (very) easy, the roundcube working fine and really speed, kolab-webadmin easy as usual, etc...
> I have not yet tested all sub-fonctionnality (seafile, sub domains, multiple domain) because I first have to migrate 60Go+ of mail (by the way the migration is successfull for the moment).
> Migration of 389 : like a charm.
> Migration of cyrus : like a charm.
> Migration of sieve : need to activate the set of filter
> Migration of calendars : like a charm
> Migration of shared folders : like a charm
> The 2 things not so cool :
> - no cyradm : cyradm hangs and I can not log in cyrus admin console to set rights, create mb or reconstruct indexes; no clue on google
> - I have not started to secure my installation, but it seems that it is still not very easy to set, even with letsencrypt.
> This is really comforting me in kolab, because I can check that several years after an installation, my data are not lost or incompatible.
> HTH,
>> Also, if they have guam enabled/disabled.
>> thanks,
>> Geoff
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