Problems with spam handling

T. Mohrfeldt (Liesegang GmbH) t.mohrfeldt at
Tue Dec 5 17:25:32 CET 2017

Hello fellow Kolab users,

I received independent reports from my user-base that the filtering of 
spam messages might do too much sometimes.
So I decided to investigate the flagged spam mails coming to my server.

I followed the sparse hints the documentation give

So I edited /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf to the following settings:

$final_virus_destiny      = D_REJECT; # before: D_DISCARD
$final_banned_destiny     = D_BOUNCE;
$final_spam_destiny       = D_REJECT; # before: D_DISCARD


$spam_quarantine_to = "name.surname\@mydomain"; #declared those 2
$virus_quarantine_to = "name.surname\@mydomain";#

That's however not working. I see spam is filtered but get no copy of 
the messages.
What am I doing wrong here? I stumbled through the logs but couldn't 
find any hints,
as I am not aware of what I am looking for.

And instead of having Spam cluttering my Inbox I'd rather liked the 
copies to get delivered
to a shared folder but have no clue how to set spam_quarantine_to 
accordingly... :/

So kind people of the internets, any clues how I can get that working?

My setup:
CentOS 7
Kolab 16.1 me thinks


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