iRony - calendar- contact issue

Pietro Vassalli p.vassalli at
Fri Sep 30 10:40:50 CEST 2016


Hi everybody, 

I am experiencing an issue with some Apple OSX (macOS 10.12 Sierra)
machines with calendars and address books. 

I can use the same services with iOS. 

I can also use the sync with fantastical on osx, but I can't sync my
calendars and contacts. 

So by now I'm trying to solve the issue of contacts (I can use
fantastical for calendars). 

I have enabled the logs for carddav plugin: 

defaults write EnableDebug -bool YES
defaults write LogConnectionDetails
-bool YES 

If I check it:
tail -f

I get that the connection works, but I can't find anything in

Note that I've configured the apache server in the simplest way (without
ssl, at least now) and I've used manual configuration of the account,
specifying the link from the web interface. 

Does anybody know how to solve the issue? 


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