Kolab - which version?

Aleksander Machniak machniak at kolabsys.com
Fri Aug 5 12:47:54 CEST 2016

On 08/05/2016 12:27 PM, Gelpi Andrea wrote:
> Kolab Enterpreise 14 is for production environment and can run on Debian
> systems, but a certificate is needed to install it. Is not clear to me
> where this certificate come from.

You need to pay Kolab Systems AG for subscription.

> Kolab Enterpreise 16 is the development environment. At the moment can
> run only on Centos and RedHat.

There's no such thing as Kolab Enterprise 16. There's Kolab 16. Which is
unified version also for enterprises. In this case, you get the same
code no matter if you payed Kolab Systems or not.

Winterfell is the most recent "for development, likely unstable".

> So my question is: which version is better to install for a production
> environment and on which operative system? Can I still use Debian or
> it'd be better to switch to Centos?

Yes, Centos is better supported. Other distros support is on community
effort and that for is delayed/incomplete.

> Second question: is it possible to upgrade from Kolab 3.4 to Kolab
> Enterprise? If yes to which version?

Upgrade to both Kolab 16 and Kolab Enterprise 14 is possible, but Kolab
16 may not be ready for production yet, especially not on CentOS.

Aleksander Machniak
Software Developer
Kolab Systems AG: http://kolabsys.com
PGP: 19359DC1

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