Add user in Kolab-Web Admin

Jochen May jochen at
Sun Nov 15 17:49:30 CET 2015

Hi all,

after a long time i need to add a user to my kolab server. Unfortunaly, 
this is not possilbe. If i login to the webadmin, and go to user and try 
to add a user i get only an empty screen.

It is also not possilbe to edit an existing user. I can only delete it. 
The same is happen with groups, rolls and ressources.

The server was installed in spring 2013 and at this time i create three 
users. But now i need to create a new user and i don´t know why i cannot 
do it.
The basic version of kolab was 3.0 but updated from time to time to 3.4.

Can anybody help me with this problem, please?


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