Problem with first webadmin connection...

Thomas Spuhler thomas.spuhler at
Tue May 19 22:09:20 CEST 2015

On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 05:51:46 PM Patrick Gelin wrote:
> Hello,
> slapd was not installed, but not completly remove. 
> So I remove it  completly. 
How would you a remove if it hasn't been installed?
Di you remove something else you shouldn't?
> But I understand the it could not be  a problem because I
> understand that synaptic may not show a conflict with 389-ds-base
> package but only a potential conflict...

There is no conflict as I said earlier.

> So now I would like to start kolab server and documentation show the
> comand line below :
> /kolab/bin/openpkg rc openldap start
This was with the old kolab <3.0 packaged with openpkg
no, I think it's service dirsrv@<instance> start if you don't have systemd

But why do you need to start it. It should start when you boot. My question is, did you set it up 
(the kolab server) ?

After installing, you need to run <setup-kolab> as root. But you need to give your box a FQDN 
otherwise it will not work, again, it will not work w/o FQDN.
> But into debian /kolab directory doesn't exist and I can't even find openpkg executable...
neither should be available.
> So How to start kolab server (with ldap service) into debian ?
> Thank you for your response.
> Patrick
> Le 19/05/2015 07:10, Ed Huott a écrit :
> > 'ldap-server' is provided by the 'slapd' package. See the "Provides:"
> > section for the output produced by:
> > 
> > $ apt-cache show slapd
openldap doesn't need to be uninstalled, it's ldap-server just needs to be stopped and disabled so  
it will not start at reboot. 
> > 
> > This probably the package that must be uninstalled to avoid the
> > conflict with 389-ds which kolab-ldap wants to bring in.
> > 
> > Btw, I was mistaken before. The '389-ds' package (with its
> > dependencies) does not provide 'ldap-server'. It simply satisfies the
> > dependency of either '389-ds' or 'ldap-server' called out by the
> > 'kolab-ldap' package.
As far as I know, 389-ds should pull in 389-ds-base as a requirement and 389-ds-base provides the 

> > 
> > Ed Huott

Best regards
Thomas Spuhler

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