Problem with first webadmin connection...

Patrick Gelin patrick.gelin at
Tue May 19 17:51:46 CEST 2015


slapd was not installed, but not completly remove. So I remove it 
completly. But I understand the it could not be  a problem because I 
understand that synaptic may not show a conflict with 289-ds-base 
package but only a potential conflict...

So know I would like to start kolab server and documentation show the 
comand line below :

/kolab/bin/openpkg rc openldap start

But into debian /kolab directory doesn't exist and I can't even find openpkg executable...

So How to start kolab server (with ldap service) into debian ?

Thank you for your response.

Le 19/05/2015 07:10, Ed Huott a écrit :
> 'ldap-server' is provided by the 'slapd' package. See the "Provides:" 
> section for the output produced by:
> $ apt-cache show slapd
> This probably the package that must be uninstalled to avoid the 
> conflict with 389-ds which kolab-ldap wants to bring in.
> Btw, I was mistaken before. The '389-ds' package (with its 
> dependencies) does not provide 'ldap-server'. It simply satisfies the 
> dependency of either '389-ds' or 'ldap-server' called out by the 
> 'kolab-ldap' package.
> Ed Huott

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