Kolab-Webadmin after Update

Jochen May jochen at jmay.org
Thu Jan 15 20:09:23 CET 2015


a couple of days ago i did a update from 3.2 to 3.3 following this doc 

Everything is working fine expect two things:

I can login to the webadmin interface but at the same time i get this error messages in the logfile 
from kolab-webadmin:
[15-Jan-2015 19:55:17 +0100](0habc0n5knjik78dcij2sekth7): [ERROR] DB Error: 
SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
The login is working. If i try to create a user, i only get a Screen with the message "Create User" 
and no fields. I guess that there is a problem with the database, but i have no idea where to look 
for the problem.

I can create a new folder with the name "notizen" and create notes inside this folder. But i can not 
create a new node in the folder notes or delete the folder notes. When i try this i get "delete 
sytem i/o error"

Can somebody point me to the right direction please?

Thanks and Regards
Jochen May

[1] http://docs.kolab.org/administrator-guide/upgrading-from-kolab-3.1-to-3.3.html
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