mailman integration

Carlos R Laguna carlosr at
Mon Oct 13 16:32:32 CEST 2014

El 13/10/14 a las #4, Marco Markgraf escribió:
> Hello everyone,
> I am completely new to kolab and only recently set up an instance of it on a
> virtual server running ubuntu-server14.04, following the instructions
> on
> No I was trying to integrate mailman into the mix (as a vhost
> on the same machine), something others surely have done
> before.
> After an extensive search of the web in general and the archives of this
> list in particular, the most recent documentation on the subject dates from
> 2010 and is not helping with my current setup.
> If you could point me to some relevant documentation, or have a working
> configuration at hands that you would like to share, that would be greatly
> appreciated.
> TIA, Marco
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Hi Marco, this info is not Kolab oriented but Zentyal, however since 
both use ldap as back end it may help you to find out your problem. Regards

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