Can't get throught setup-kolab
Thomas Marshall
tm at
Thu Jun 5 16:39:16 CEST 2014
Thanks for the reply, dsp3.
I made the couple of changes on the sites you pointed out which obviously
are pretty important. However, I still can't get through the install. I
believe this all relates to permissions. I went through the logs from the
previous attempts as well as today and in all of them there are references
to failures that all relate to permissions. I'm not sure how to proceed
since Kolab setup says the user (I'm using the default 'nobody') should be
non-privileged. I tried changing the permissions on the errant directories
but then the install stops immediately for me to delete them.
Here's the last few lines of my most recent attempt...
changeOwnerMode: changed mode of /etc/dirsrv/slapd-my/dse.ldif to 660
changeOwnerMode: changed ownership of /etc/dirsrv/slapd-my/dse.ldif to user
99 group 99
changeOwnerMode: changed mode of /etc/dirsrv/slapd-my/dse_original.ldif to
changeOwnerMode: changed ownership of /etc/dirsrv/slapd-my/dse_original.ldif
to user 99 group 99
[14/06/05:11:15:48] - [Setup] Info Could not copy file
'/etc/dirsrv/config/certmap.conf' to '/etc/dirsrv/slapd-my/certmap.conf'.
Error: No such file or directory
[14/06/05:11:15:48] - [Setup] Fatal Error: Could not create directory server
instance 'my'.
[14/06/05:11:15:48] - [Setup] Fatal Exiting . . .
Thanks again for any help.
Still lost.
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