Is anyone using iRony on Ubuntu/Debian successfully?

Henning henne.gwath at
Mon Jul 7 10:00:19 CEST 2014

Hi Thomas,

I have sabredav-browsing activated, so I simply login using any of my 
IDs and click through the objects tree like e.g.

results in

<d:error xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:s="">
Addressbook with name '24a306a10bec-d72c944df3d4-45586317' could not be 

Newly added addressbooks and other objects appear in the browser tree, 
so it does find them at this point, but obviously the direct access does 
not work. I'll have a look at the 389-ds logs (I'm not an expert with 
that service!), maybe we find something there.

Additionally, I noticed, that in IMAP lately only the primary domain 
works to access the users mailbox. Alias and UID are able to login via 
saslauthd, but throw "Mailbox does not exist" (at least in Thunderbird). 
Ptloader returns something like "UID -> UID" as canonified name and not 
"UID -> user.mail at". Login in roundcubemail is possible with 
UID, since roundcube has it's own canonification-feature. I'll see what 
happens if I deactivate this feature.

Also I think worth mentioning is, that in cyrus-imapd-2.4 in ubuntu 
14.04 there are no ptloader binaries anymore. I had to copy them from an 
older version, to make ptloader work. The kolab version of cyrus-imapd 
ist only present in the 12.04 repo and the dependencies are incompatible 
with 14.04, so I'm stuck with the official ubuntu version.

Thank's for your hints

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