Kolab 3.2 Freebusy

Hügel, Christian christian.huegel at stonebyte.de
Thu Feb 27 14:36:03 CET 2014


for some reason I´m not able to get freebusy working. This is the output 
when generating the freebusy files for one user:

[root at kolab:/var/log/kolab-freebusy]# /usr/bin/kolab-freebusyd 
--generate test.user at example.com
(14:27:24) fbcoordinator.cpp(139):      Starting generation for user:  
"test.user at example.com"
(14:27:24) kolabjob.cpp(46):    
(14:27:24) kolabjob.cpp(47):    starting kolab job:  
"test.user at example.com"  on  "localhost" : 143
(14:27:24) authenticationjob.cpp(35):   logging in as  
"test.user at example.com"  using  "cyrus-admin"
kolab-freebusyd(14758) KIMAP::LoginJob::LoginJob: 
kolab-freebusyd(14758) KIMAP::SessionThread::reconnect: connectToHost 
"localhost" 143
kolab-freebusyd(14758) KIMAP::LoginJob::doStart: 
kolab-freebusyd(14758) KIMAP::SessionThread::reconnect: connectToHost 
"localhost" 143

The config.ini file seems to be ok.
Has anyone a hint?

Thank you.


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