groups and memberof attribute

Nikolai Maziashvili mlist_kolab at
Mon Dec 29 21:29:08 CET 2014


Usually when i make query on user i get "memberof" ... list of groups 
user is member of... but it seem to me that although i add users to 
several groups i can't get information on their "memberof". Only when i 
query info on group i get "uniquemember" list. I think this luck of 
"memberof" attribute what makes it impossible for me to filter users on 
group bases.
I could be way off here :), so please don't be shy to educate me.

Kind regards,

PS i have tried creating normal posix groups and "simple" groups, none 
of them gets filtered on. For example owncloud, can detect and 
authenticate all users, can list all (only posix) groups, but it won't 
filter on them. Same goes for other applications and plain ldapsearch 

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