My Kolab Roundcube Wish-list

Mat Cantin mat at
Tue May 21 06:37:39 CEST 2013


After demoing and using Exchange 2013's Outlook Web App and Zimbra 8, 
I've come back to Kolab with a bit of a feature wish-list that I think 
would help place Kolab with Roundcube on par with with the competition.

1. Multi-folder search. This is key when you want to see a full 
conversation (thread) including the messages you sent or might have 
sorted in different folders.

2. Advanced search with multi-criteria filters. Searching for emails 
"from" someone and then filtering by date at the moment is not possible.

3. Single page message list where messages are loaded and pre-loaded as 
you scroll. The current method of only loading 40 or 60 messages per 
page doesn't work with big folders. Having to click the "next" arrow 125 
times to get to message 5000 in a 10000 messages folder is ridiculous. 
Although this is an extreme example, I do find myself clicking that 
little arrow quite a bit when I want to scroll back to see emails sent 
on a specific date.

4. Better calendar and mail invite integration. You should be able to 
accept or decline meetings from the calendar app, and the mail message 
with the email invite should reflect the status of the invite (pending, 
accepted, or declined) or disappear aka Outlook.

5. System wide tagging so you can tag tasks, calendar events, and email 
messages with the same tags.


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