Change Roundcube to list-view

Paul Klos kolab at
Mon May 13 23:29:25 CEST 2013

Op maandag 13 mei 2013 07:36:55 schreef John Borhek:
> The default threaded display of messages in Roundcube presents problems 
> for me; new messages appear in threads that are days or weeks old, and I 
> have to go beck through page after page of threads to find them.
> Can I change Roundcube to default to list view?
Yes you can. In the horizontal bar that separates the message list from the preview pane, you'll find 2 icons on the left side. You can use them to switch between list/thread view. You can also set per-folder preference from the settings (folder settings probably, but my roundcube is not in English).


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