[Kolab3] 389-ds with ssl

Henne Holly henne.gwath at gmx.de
Mon Mar 25 16:48:37 CET 2013


This seems to me incredibly difficult. My server yet has some ssl 
certificate, but how the hell do I import it in 389-ds? There are some 
howtos (e.g. http://xilab.net/blog/389-directory-server-ssl), but I 
don't know at which step I have to start with my existing certificate.

I did:

~ # openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey server.key -in server.crt -out 
/tmp/crt.p12 -nodes -name 'Server Cert'
~ # pk12util -i /tmp/crt.p12 -d .

Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":

Which password is this? I tried every single phrase I have ever used 
with this machine, but nothing...

With slapd this was a lot easier :(

Any help is appreciated.


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