Kolab3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) install

Mischa Beitz mischa at beitz.org
Sun Aug 25 18:09:38 CEST 2013

I've had pretty good success (so far) installing kolab3 following this

Would appreciate any feedback from anyone else willing to give it a go.
Some hackish things done, would also appreciate better solutions where

The process:

Remember to do all your work as root or privileged user ;)

   - Download the quantal copy of smarty3 (you'll need it for the
   kolab-webadmin package). You can find it
   - configure apt
   vi /etc/apt/preferences.d/kolab3.pref


   Package: *
   Pin: origin mirror.kolabsys.com
   Pin-Priority: 501

   this ensures the kolab sources get priority.

   vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kolab3.list


   deb http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/ubuntu/kolab-3.0/ precise development
   deb-src http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/ubuntu/kolab-3.0/ precise
   # Adding wheezy mirror for libmozldap and mozldap-tools; comment out
   after installing 'em
   deb http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/debian/kolab-3.0/ wheezy development

   this adds the kolab package sources. Now we can update apt:

   apt-get update
   - install dependencies:
   php packages are needed for the smarty3 install, moz ldap packages are
   from wheezy sources (which we'll remove before kolab install).

   apt-get install php5 php5-common php5-cgi php5-cli mozldap-tools
   dpkg -i /home/<user>/smarty3_3.1.10-2_all.deb

   (this is the quantal .deb package for smarty3 that you should've
   downloaded already)

   now that the wheezy dependencies are satisfied, we need to remove the
   sources or we'll create conflicts later on.

   vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kolab3.list


   deb http://mirror.knolabsys.com/pub/ubuntu/kolab-3.0/ precise development
   deb-src http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/ubuntu/kolab-3.0/ precise
   # Adding wheezy mirror for libmozldap and mozldap-tools; comment out
   after installing 'em
   # deb http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/debian/kolab-3.0/ wheezy development

   Update apt again (this time without the wheezy sources)

   apt-get update
   - Additional preparations

   Add a couple more packages without the wheezy sources (cyrus-imapd we
   install so we can create some sym links before kolab install and
   python-dateutil is required by wallace - but not part of kolab install, go
   figure, it's a development package)

   apt-get install cyrus-imapd python-dateutil

   Create some symbolic links for cyrus imapd (ubuntu uses 'cyrus' where
   kolab use 'imap' in the directory structure; my hack to simply link them.
   Not pretty, but works)

   ln -s /var/lib/cyrus /var/lib/imap
   ln -s /var/spool/cyrus /var/spool/imap
   ln -s /usr/lib/cyrus /usr/lib/imap
   - NOW we can install kolab!

   apt-get install kolab
   - Do the recommended manual configs

   You may have noticed some errors concerning kolabformat, etc. We just
   have to do these bits manually.

   rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/php-kolabformat.postinst
   /var/lib/dpkg/info/php-kolab.postrm /var/lib/dpkg/info/php-kolab.postinst
   ln -s /usr/share/php5/kolab/kolabformat.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/
   ln -s /usr/share/php5/kolab/kolab.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/
   - Now we can install the kolab-webadmin package

   apt-get install kolab-webadmin
   - Run the setup

   - Finally, some post setup configuration

   We need to add some users to groups:

   vi /etc/group

   group (changes to ssl-cert and mail):

   # cyrus goes in ssl-cert group
   # postfix goes in mail group

   Use the Ubuntu snakeoil cert/key:

   vi /etc/imapd.conf

   imapd.conf (changes):

   tls_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
   tls_key_file: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
   tls_ca_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem

   Make sure ptloader has a place to put its socket:

   mkdir /var/lib/imap/ptclient
   chown cyrus:mail /var/lib/imap/ptclient

restart the email services:

service cyrus-imapd restart


Mischa Beitz
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