kolabsync with Android 4+

Alexander Haensch alexander.haensch at ipc.uni-tuebingen.de
Tue Oct 23 09:46:23 CEST 2012

On 10/22/2012 05:22 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
> On Monday, October 22, 2012 10:07:32 AM Alexander Haensch wrote:
>> We cannot sync any Phones or Tablets operating Android 4.0 and higher.
>> The reason is that Google implemented a new Actve-Sync application
>> called Exchange2.apk . As the market share of Android 4.0+ is now higher
>> than 25% [ http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html] i
>> am asking myself how people are syncing.
>> At the moment Kolab-Droid is not usable because there is no version
>> compatible with Android 4.0+.
>> What android active sync clients do people on this list use?
> I've successfully tested Kolab ActiveSync with both 4.0 and 4.1 android 
> emulator (API level 15 and 16 respectively, IIRC).
> Since both worked just fine, I'm curious what the new ActiveSync application 
> is you speak of. Is this stock Android 4.0+, or something that they released 
> as an update or upgrade for these series?
> Kind regards,
> Jeroen van Meeuwen
Sorry for not mentioning that we still use z-push from the 2.3 series.
Yes we tested with Vanilla 4.0+ . 
Is the 2.3 z-push working with your emulator?
I think syncroton is not available  for 2.x ?

kind regards,

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