kolabsync with Android 4+

Jeroen van Meeuwen vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
Mon Oct 22 17:22:48 CEST 2012

On Monday, October 22, 2012 10:07:32 AM Alexander Haensch wrote:
> We cannot sync any Phones or Tablets operating Android 4.0 and higher.
> The reason is that Google implemented a new Actve-Sync application
> called Exchange2.apk . As the market share of Android 4.0+ is now higher
> than 25% [ http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html] i
> am asking myself how people are syncing.
> At the moment Kolab-Droid is not usable because there is no version
> compatible with Android 4.0+.
> What android active sync clients do people on this list use?

I've successfully tested Kolab ActiveSync with both 4.0 and 4.1 android 
emulator (API level 15 and 16 respectively, IIRC).

Since both worked just fine, I'm curious what the new ActiveSync application 
is you speak of. Is this stock Android 4.0+, or something that they released 
as an update or upgrade for these series?

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
m: +44 74 2516 3817
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

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