Kolab 2.4 on Mageia

Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
Tue May 15 00:48:37 CEST 2012

On 2012-05-14 21:38, Richard wrote:
> Hi Jeroen,
> Op zondag 13 mei 2012 00:42:39 schreef Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab 
> Systems):
>> On 2012-05-12 20:28, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
>> > I am planning to package these for Mageia and Mandriva.
>> > I think the easiest way to start with is using Fedore src.rpm
>> > Where are the repositories of those?
>> The RPM sources are in http://git.kolabsys.com/rpm/ git 
>> repositories,
>> and the relevant packages are listed in
>> http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/redhat/kolab-2.4/el6/development/SRPMS/
>> ^1 or
>> http://mirror.kolabsys.com/pub/redhat/kolab-2.4/el6/development/SRPMS/repov
>> iew/
>> ^1: The source RPMs include source tarballs, specs and patches as 
>> I'm
>> sure you're aware.
> can you list which packages requires patches to be part of kolab?  It
> used to be that for example cyrus-imap required several patches 
> compared to the
> upstream version, likewise imap-kolab and php-imap.  Is this still
> the case?
> Please state which packages need patches compared to upstream project
> to make kolab work.

Sure, let me start from the beginning. It's too big a list to create a 
table for in the Wiki, I'm afraid, if we were to try and keep track of 
which package, what the description is, the platform, the platform 
version, the repositories in which the package is included... Perhaps we 
should find a way of sharing a spreadsheet or something.

== List of Packages ==

I create this list with the following command, using the base -release 
tag of the current reference implementation platform (el6) for the 
current product series (2.4). Note no packages that are included in 
Enterprise Linux 6 or EPEL would normally occur in this list.

  $ koji --quiet list-pkgs --tag feature-el6-kolab-2.4-release | awk 
'{print $1}' | sort

== Meta-Packages ==

Empty contents, pull in other packages to form the set of packages.

* kolab
* kolab-conf
* kolab-imap
* kolab-ldap
* kolab-mta
* kolab-webclient

== Build System and Platform Packages ==

* buildsys-macros
* kolab-community-release

== Kolab Software ==

Software or content for which Kolab is upstream:

* kolab-fbview
* kolab-schema
* kolab-webadmin
* pykolab
* roundcubemail-plugins-kolab
* kolab-z-push

== Patched Software ==

Software that Kolab requires patches in/for:

* php
** uw-imap-myrights,
** uw-imap-annotations,
** (optional) ldap vlv response control
* uw-imap
** myrights,
** annotations,

== Required Software Versions ==

* php-Smarty >= 3.1.7
** Required by kolab-webadmin
* python-ldap >= 2.4
** Required by pykolab
* python-pyasn1 >= 0.1.2
** Required for pykolab, python-ldap
** MUST include pyasn1 modules

== Other Packages Part of Kolab ==

Other packages that are a part of Kolab Groupware

* cyrus-imapd
* cyrus-sasl
* postfix
* roundcubemail
* z-push

== Packages Being Pulled in as Dependencies ==

Packages that are dependencies for the aforementioned actual parts of 
Kolab Groupware.

* augeas
* mozldap
* php-channel-Horde
* php-pear-Horde-Alarm
* php-pear-Horde-Argv
* php-pear-Horde-Auth
* php-pear-Horde-Block
* php-pear-Horde-Browser
* php-pear-Horde-Cache
* php-pear-Horde-Cipher
* php-pear-Horde-CLI
* php-pear-Horde-Compress
* php-pear-Horde-Crypt
* php-pear-Horde-DataTree
* php-pear-Horde-Date
* php-pear-Horde-DOM
* php-pear-Horde-Editor
* php-pear-Horde-Feed
* php-pear-Horde-File_CSV
* php-pear-Horde-File_PDF
* php-pear-Horde-Form
* php-pear-Horde-Framework
* php-pear-Horde-Group
* php-pear-Horde-History
* php-pear-Horde-Http_Client
* php-pear-Horde-iCalendar
* php-pear-Horde-Identity
* php-pear-Horde-Image
* php-pear-Horde-IMAP
* php-pear-Horde-Kolab
* php-pear-Horde-LDAP
* php-pear-Horde-Loader
* php-pear-Horde-Lock
* php-pear-Horde-Log
* php-pear-Horde-Maintenance
* php-pear-Horde-MIME
* php-pear-Horde-Mobile
* php-pear-Horde-Net_SMS
* php-pear-Horde-NLS
* php-pear-Horde-Notification
* php-pear-Horde-Perms
* php-pear-Horde-Prefs
* php-pear-Horde-RPC
* php-pear-Horde-Secret
* php-pear-Horde-Serialize
* php-pear-Horde-SessionHandler
* php-pear-Horde-SessionObjects
* php-pear-Horde-Share
* php-pear-Horde-SpellChecker
* php-pear-Horde-SQL
* php-pear-Horde-SyncML
* php-pear-Horde-Template
* php-pear-Horde-Text_Diff
* php-pear-Horde-Text_Filter
* php-pear-Horde-Text_Flowed
* php-pear-Horde-Text_reST
* php-pear-Horde-Text_Textile
* php-pear-Horde-Token
* php-pear-Horde-Tree
* php-pear-Horde-UI
* php-pear-Horde-Util
* php-pear-Horde-VC
* php-pear-Horde-VFS
* php-pear-Horde-XML_Element
* php-pear-Horde-XML_WBXML
* php-pear-Horde-YAML
* php-pear-Kolab-Config
* php-pear-Kolab-Filter
* php-pear-Kolab-Format
* php-pear-Kolab-FreeBusy
* php-pear-Kolab-Resource
* php-pear-Kolab-Server
* php-pear-Kolab-Storage
* php-pear-Kolab-Zpush
* php-pear-Net-IDNA2
* php-pear-Net-IMAP
* php-pear-Net-LDAP2
* php-pear-Net-LMTP
* python-augeas
* python-sqlalchemy
** + sqlite driver,
** + mysql driver
* python-cheetah

== Other Packages You'll Find in our Repositories ==

Other packages you'll find in our repositories but are not necessary. 
Some are Puppet configuration management, some are simply rebuilds.

* ejabberd
* mod_authn_sasl
* mysql
* nagios-plugins
* perl-DBD-MySQL
* perl-Mozilla-LDAP
* ragel
* redland
* rubygem-activerecord
* rubygem-activesupport
* rubygem-hawler
* rubygem-hpricot
* rubygem-passenger
* ruby-mysql

> It looks like that the kolab-fbview packages contains quite a big 
> part of
> Horde.  Will this be unified later on with the Horde installation 
> that is
> installed via e.g. the  php-pear-horde-* packages?

No ;-)

The current serving Free/Busy system (kolab-fbview) is a beast nobody 
dares touching.

Instead, kolab-fbview will cease to exist in favor a lean libkolabxml 
(+libkolab) driven Free/Busy system.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
m: +44 74 2516 3817
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

pgp: 9342 BF08

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