Way to create users?

protik protik.seeker at gmail.com
Sat May 12 15:53:41 CEST 2012

Thanks I guess I'll wait for 3.0 will be pain to upgrade as I'm using
  I've realized that user can change few options through global options
field on horde (web client)

I think web admin has a bug -doesn't have enough options to edit
main.cfand when I change something through web admin, changes to
main.cf are defaulted. I need to update them by copying proper data
On May 8, 2012 10:45 PM, "protik" <protik.seeker at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
>  After a bit of struggle I got kolab 2.3.4 working and I'm pretty happy
> with what its providing.
>  I've told/mailed my friends with a new account and they are hyped as well.
>  I want to give them accounts, I can go to https://example.com/admin and
> create new user and assign it a password.
>  However can user himself initiate creation process? so basically user
> submits a form and I (admin) just says yes / no / need more info.
>  Or can I produce account for users and they can change info (password,
> personal details) etc. later?
>  Thanks
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