Kolab Intermediate 2.4 Release

Johannes Graumann johannes_graumann at web.de
Wed May 9 12:17:43 CEST 2012

Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) wrote:

> On 2012-05-09 0:00, Mike Brady wrote:
>> Are there any instructions on how to migrate from a release 2.3
>> system
>> anywhere?
> Assuming the 2.3 system or systems you speak of is/are OpenPKG - no.
> This "upgrade" requires manual intervention, I'm afraid. Any
> recommended path would include installing a *new* system to become the
> Kolab 2.4 Groupware server.
I assume there will eventually be a scripted migration path from 2.3?

Thank you for any clarification.

Sincerely, Joh

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