Kolab Intermediate 2.4 Release

Georg C. F. Greve greve at kolabsys.com
Tue May 8 11:32:27 CEST 2012

Dear all,

Seeing several people making real headway on working with the 2.4 packages, we 
decided to make it easier on everyone and turn this into an intermediate 
release that will actually provide a functional Kolab server quickly:


The second link also gives some additional insight, as well as a script that 
will fire up a self-installing VM in virtually no time on Fedora 16/17.

We hope this'll make it a lot easier for everyone to get this up and running.

Best regards,

Georg C. F. Greve
Chief Executive Officer

Kolab Systems AG
Zürich, Switzerland

e: greve at kolabsys.com
t: +41 78 904 43 33
w: http://kolabsys.com

pgp: 86574ACA Georg C. F. Greve
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