Sieve migration

Gelpi Andrea liste at
Thu Jan 5 10:35:07 CET 2012

Il 04/01/2012 18:27, Thomas Nintemann ha scritto:
> Hi Andrea,
> copying sievescripts should work and your mails should be filtered by sieve.

Yes, it works.

> If you want to see the old filtersettings in webclient (Horde-Ingo) you have
> to change something in kolab template folder, because webclient filter (ingo)
> shows you only what is stored in the prefs and not what is in sieve folders.

OK, that's my problem.

> This is because webclient in 2.3.4 read and write prefs by default to file.
> Older installations of webclient has done this by default to ldap.
> First be sure that ldap has loaded the horde.schema.
> Take a look in slapd.conf.template.
> # The schema remains available at
> # /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/scripts/ldap/horde.schema
> # include @@@ldapserver_schemadir@@@/horde.schema
> Uncomment the include line and after a kolabconf you schould have a running
> ldap with horde.schema. If ldap would not start, make sure that you have a
> copy from /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/scripts/ldap/horde.schema to your ldap
> schemadir.

I copied horde.schema in openldap/schema dir. I change ownership and 
permissions so that they are equal to all other schema files, but ...
openldap start and fails immediately without any messages.
I had to comment horde schema to have openldap start again.

> After that edit the webclient-kolab-conf.template. If you uncomment the
> $conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'kolab';. Don't forget a kolabconf for write the
> template to webclient systemfolder.
> After that you should able to login in webclient and the filter should show
> you the old settings.
> A the moment it seems that there is no migrationtool for webclient prefs from
> ldap to file.

By the way the user recreate rules with a printout of old sieve script.

ing. Andrea Gelpi
La Terra non la abbiamo ereditata dai nostri avi,
ma la abbiamo presa in prestito dai nostri bambini.
We do not inherit the Earth from our parents,
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