Installation ISsue

ABBAS Alain alain.abbas at
Sun Feb 26 11:15:21 CET 2012

did you load all the rpms ? 
you must have i your install directory : 
219 files , 207 rpms, 2 sh

verify with ls /home/michel/wc -l ls /home/michele/*.rpm|wc -l ...

It seems that you don t have all the files for the install


-----Message original-----
De: "Michele Catalano" <catamik at>
Envoyé: 25 février 2012 07:26:28 UTC
Pour: kolab-users at
Sujet : Installation ISsue


I'm trying to install kolab server on ubuntu 11.04. 
I get a famous error in installation but I don't understand solution proposed 
in internet...


root at giacinto:/home/michele# sh
Changing to temporary working directory /tmp/install-kolab....26208 ...
cp: cannot stat `/home/michele/openpkg-2*.rpm': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/home/michele/openpkg-*.sh': No such file or directory

Kolab installation tag (TAG):       kolab
Kolab installation prefix (PREFIX): /kolab
Kolab version (KOLAB_VERSION):      2.2.3
Kolab user name (USER):             kolab
Kolab user base UID (KID):          19414
Kolab restricted UID (KID):         19415
Kolab non-priviledged UID (KID):    19416
Exclude following Kolab packages:   

Received no instructions. Trying to determine required action...
Found an OpenPKG environment. Assuming upgrade...
----------- SETUP COMPLETED -----------

 Now running:

   /kolab/bin/openpkg build -kKBuZ -r "/tmp/install-kolab....26208" -p "ix86-
debian5.0-kolab" -D openldap::with_pth=no -D sasl::with_ldap -D 
sasl::with_login -D sasl::with_ntlm -D postfix::with_sasl -D postfix::with_ssl -
D postfix::with_ldap -D imapd::with_kolab_nocaps
          openpkg-tools openldap postfix kolabd kolab-webadmin kolab-fbview 
kolab-webclient | sh

openpkg:build:FATAL: cannot open '/tmp/install-kolab....26208/00INDEX.rdf' 
(Permission denied)

I change permission to world readeable folder and files in tmp, but If I 
restart installation newer folder is created with permission restricted 
process. I know kolab user is involved in installation. In what I'm wrong?

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