Almost done a restore to kolab 2.3.1

Christian Tardif christian.tardif at
Tue Jun 14 07:44:19 CEST 2011

It's almost done....

But I have some things I must understand:

1) How do I import Sieve Scripts?  I copied the whole /kolab/var/imapd 
but in the web interface, I don't see the scripts. So, the scripts are 
there, but I don't see them. And before going for good in 2.3.1, I need 
to be able to import my sieve scripts.

2) TLS Auth. I'm using my own certificate. So I put back my cert and key 
files in /kolab/etc/kolab. I can log to the web interface in SSL, so 
they must be working. But trying to log with Thunderbird in TLS, it does 
not work (but I think that TLS and certs are not related, are they?



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