Fresh 2.3.2 install and importing datas ?

Skip Morse skipmorse at
Wed Jun 8 22:01:04 CEST 2011

2011/6/8 kiser Caesar <kcaesar at>:
> Hello,
> I've just install a fresh Kolab 2.3.2 on a Vm (powered by Xen-Server) on a
> debian 6.0.
> All is ok for this step.
> Now I' m trying to import some datas from my actual production server Kolab
> 2.2.2, on debian 4.0.
> I made a backup of my ldap and I made some change as is asked in
> part "Upgrade from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0".
> I tried to restore it on my new instal but now I get an error message on the
> kolab webadmin "Could not bind to LDAP server Invalid credentials".
> I think I missed some steps, as the import of the mailboxes list... But if
> someone on the list can help me, it will be nice :)
> Best regards,

I think I may have run into a similar error when I was trying to do a
migration.  I don't remember exactly why, but I think my issue was
that I ran the boot strap which made a different hash of the password
than the original LDAP data had... I think to fix it I changed the
hash value in the ldif file before importing that into ldap ... or
something like that.

Sorry I can't be more help, it's been a while since i had to do that.


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