kolab-cn2uid problem

Christian Tardif christian.tardif at servinfo.ca
Fri Jun 3 02:49:28 CEST 2011


Yesterday, while updating one of my Kolab installations, I've faced one 
problem with kolab-cn2uid script. Some of the users on this installation 
had names (whether it be the first or last name) with french characters 
in it (Josée, for example, instead of Josee). When exporting the entry 
with slapcat, it looks like this:

dn:: Y249w4lyaWsgRnVyb2lzLGRjPWNsaWNtZWRpYSxkYz1uZXQ=
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: kolabInetOrgPerson
sn: Furois
cn:: w4lyaWsgRnVyb2lz
givenName:: w4lyaWs=
userPassword:: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mail: efurois at blahblah.ca
uid: efurois at blahblah.ca
kolabHomeServer: mail.blahblah.ca
kolabInvitationPolicy: ACT_MANUAL
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
entryUUID: 4d1ca410-5e6d-102f-97c9-7d55105e69dc
creatorsName: cn=manager,cn=internal,................
createTimestamp: 20100927102531Z
entryCSN: 20100927102531Z#000000#00#000000
modifiersName: cn=manager,cn=internal,................
modifyTimestamp: 20100927102531Z

The problem is that the script is unable to parse the entry, leading to 
an incorrect ldif file (bad dn), which stops the ldap import process.

So, pay attention to your user list before you export it, modifying the 
entries as needed, or modify the script to convert the incoming encoded 
entries prior converting the dn. That would solve a loooot of time.


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