Horde4 News: The Horde4 package mill for Debian

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Wed Jan 19 00:38:24 CET 2011

As mentioned before [1] p at rdus intends to provide Horde4 packages
for Debian beside the Kolab specific OpenPKG based build. The first
steps of this process have been taken now and another Hudson based
package mill has been created for the task.

The new system bundles Horde4 packages for Debian after each
upstream commit and lives at http://dev2.pardus.de:9080/

This is just considered a first step on the way to a full Debian
release as there will be a fair amount of quality control required
to get the packages fit for wider distribution. In addition the
exact policy on how to handle PEAR packages on Debian is apparently
still under debate [2]. p at rdus will join this discussion now with a
set of more than 50 PEAR based packages in tow.

The timing for this seems just right as there are still a few weeks
left until Horde4 will see its first release. So there should be
enough time to ensure that there are no major conflicts between
PEAR based and Debian packaging.

Blog entry: http://log.pardus.de/2011/01/horde4-package-mill-for-debian.html

[1] http://log.pardus.de/2010/11/horde4kolab-package-mill.html
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/GregoryColpart/PearPolicyDraft

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