Kolab Down Part 3

Jeffrey Walls jwalls at browntransmission.com
Tue Jan 18 17:01:10 CET 2011

I have gotten the server back up and running.

The issue was, amavisd wouldn't start.

The amavisd error is:

openpkg:rc:NOTICE: no output occurred on stdout/stderr
, amavisdopenpkg:rc:NOTICE: /kolab:amavisd:%start: executing as user root
openpkg:rc:NOTICE: /kolab:amavisd:%start: succeeded with return code 0
openpkg:rc:NOTICE: output from stdout/stderr is following:
| Error in config file "/kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf": Can't modify constant 
item in scalar assignment at /kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf line 1559, near 
| Bareword "false" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at 
/kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf line 1557.
| Bareword "auth_required_release" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at 
/kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf line 1557.

Why after running fine for a couple of years would this show up?

I comment out that line, and amavisd runs fine.

Jeffrey Walls 
IT Manager 
Brown Transmission and Bearing Co. 
PO Box 11117 
Lancaster PA 17605-1117 
717 295-9200 ext 214 
717 295-9025 fax 


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