kolab wiki N900 zpush page

Alexander Schröter webmaster at computational-chemistry.org
Mon Sep 6 19:05:14 CEST 2010


this mail is mostly directed to alain and thorsten but anybody else is 
welcome to participate.

I would like to create a more detailed wiki page for zpush with the n900.

I am still testing a lot and some things seem to work well but tasks for 
example are very much unpredictable. Maybe you can help me with some 
"offical status" ... whats supposed to work and whats in the making.

Here Some things I would like to create for the wiki.

- Step by Step Manual How to setup zpush for the n900 with kolab
- What to do when things go bad
- The right Server configuration ([lose] provisioning, folder mode, flat 

I would really appreciate your thoughts on this.

Regards Alexander

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