using redis for replacing zPush Kolab cache

Bogomil Shopov shopov at
Tue Nov 30 13:53:40 CET 2010

Hey Alain,
 Ijust wrote a test class for replacing userCache class at kolab.php backend:


//require Rediska package (/kolab/lib/php)
require_once 'Rediska.php';

//create a class that emulates the existing class UserCache
$c=new ReuserCache();
//call open method
$c->open('test at lelemale_IMEI123');

//write (key/Value)

//find the value for the $key

class ReuserCache 
    public $options;
    public $cacher;
    public $keystorage;
    public $zkey;
    function __construct()
     $this->options = array(
     'namespace' => 'bCache_',
     'name'      => 'bcache');
     //initiate default (without options)
     $this->cacher = new Rediska();

    function open($zkey)
        //just set the key variable. We will use it later for $zkey.":".$key 
(see write)
    function close()
    function write($key, $value)
        //Create a new instance in order to work with Redis Key
        $this->keystorage=new Rediska_Key($this->zkey.":".$key);
        //if key exists, skip it
       if($this->keystorage->getValue($this->zkey.":".$key)) {
        // do something
    function delete()
    function purge()
    function find($what)
        echo $this->keystorage->getValue($this->zkey.":".$what);


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