kolab-mailboxinfo.pl not working?

Skip Morse skipmorse at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 20:05:32 CET 2010

2010/11/28 Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) <vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com>:
> On Friday, November 26, 2010 06:59:03 am Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
>> @Jeroen: Is there an alternative for generating a backup of the Cyrus
>> annotation data?
> The simplest way is using the ctl_cyrusdb utility:
> /path/to/ctl_cyrusdb /path/to/annotations.db skiplist /path/to/backup.db
> flat
> Restoring is then performed using:
> /path/to/ctl_cyrusdb /path/to/backup.db flat /path/to/annotations.db
> skiplist
> Kind regards,
> Jeroen van Meeuwen

Thanks for the input.  Since I'm using Berkley format, would i just
change the 'skiplist' above to Berkely?  Also, is this something that
can/should be done when the imap service is running?


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