Kolab multi-master setup

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue May 11 08:47:36 CEST 2010

Quoting kaspro at web.de:

> Hi there,
> I wonder whether there is - additionally to the master-slave setup a  
> possibility to sync mails from one- to another server. This would be  
> helpful in case that the internet goes down, one can still  
> send/receive domain-internal mails, send calendar requests etc. if  
> the actual kolab server sits on the internet... LDAP could stay in  
> master-slave setup- just mails and notes/calendar entries would be  
> interesting...
> Any ideas on that?!

I don't think it should be too hard to configure IMAP replication and  
to setup a fallback postfix relay. This is something that is not  
working out of the box with the default Kolab server and you would  
need to configure it manually.

Would be cool to have more failover capabilities in the Kolab server though.



> Thanks all in advance,
> Cheers Chris
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E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                          Bundesstrasse 29
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    >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<

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