zpush reoccurring events and sync back with N900

Alexander Schröter webmaster at computational-chemistry.org
Wed May 5 11:32:11 CEST 2010


maybe you are already aware of this but reoccurring events that start earlier 
than your device syncs back don't show up anymore.

For example I created an event for my class "Computational Chemistry II" which 
is every week on thursday. And now after 3 weeks in the new semester I was 
wondering why its not showing up on my device anymore. Reason I set it to sync 
back 2 weeks which seems to exclude reoccurring events that have an ending 
date in the future.

Just letting you know ... fixed it for now by setting the sync back option to 
all. I cannot tell if this is an bug/feature of the Nokia N900 Microsoft for 
Exchange App or if this is with all zpush devices.

Keep up the good work.

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