using distribution lists as groups issue?

skipmorse at skipmorse at
Thu May 6 01:40:46 CEST 2010

On May 5, 2010 4:19pm, Alexander Gran <alexg at> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 06 Mai 2010, 01:00:08 schrieb skipmorse at

> > Any ideas? The only thing I can come up with is to use groups moving

> > forward, but leave the current entries as-is, I don't think having  
> people

> > delete every [UNSHARED] version that comes in...

> Hey skip,

> login the sytem as root, then do a su - cyrus

> then start cyradm --user manager localhost

> please post what

> lam Mailboxname

> gives before and after the ACL change (maybe only afterwards is also ok).

> I stopped trusting the web interface, and this command is directly at imap

> you might need to adjust some paths etc if you use openpkg.

> regards

> Alex

thanks for the feed back, I re-sent an email because I think it was that I  
selected "none" and deleted my user on that line at the same submission...

I hadn't looked at the acls on the folder before, but after it looked  

user1 at lrswipteda
user2 at lrswipteda
group:distrib1 at lrswipteda

I've since modified some of the other shared folders and not touching  
the 'permissions' drop down and haven't seen the issue again...
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