kolab with multiple domains

Alain Spineux aspineux at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 07:46:03 CET 2010

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 02 Mar 2010, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
>> It would be really nice if, when you add extra mail domains to kolab, it
>> had a standard way to configure certificates for that extra domain.
> My first guess is that to achieve this I should:
> 1. Set up an IP Address on the server for each domain and DNS to match.


> 2. Add a line for each extra domain like:
>        imaps cmd="imapd -s -C /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd-$DOMAIN.conf" listen="mail.$DOMAIN:993" prefork=0
>        pop3s cmd="pop3d -s -C /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd-$DOMAIN.conf" listen="mail.$DOMAIN:995" prefork=0


> 3. Create /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd-$DOMAIN.conf with an include of imap.conf and
>   extra lines below to overrides the servername and tls_XXX_file entries to
>   point to matching cert.

yes,  add this line in front off all your .conf file
@include: /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf

make your /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf domain agnostic and put all your
domain specific inside  each imapd-$DOMAIN

> 4. Set up an IP-based vhost in Apache for each webmail.$DOMAIN and give each a
>   matching servername and SSL certs.

Not apache guru, but it sound good

> Has anyone done this?  Can you leave everything else in imapd-$DOMAIN.conf
> the same or will that cause trouble?

Don't forget kolab use template in /kolab/etc/kolab/template
You can add more template by just dropping a file in this directory

> Is a future upgrade like to overwrite and nastily break this?

not break, rpm create .new file and expect you to check them


> Gavin
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