kolab with multiple domains

Gavin McCullagh gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie
Tue Mar 2 19:10:07 CET 2010


we're getting set up to run three domains on a kolab server.  We'd like
each domain's clients to connect to mail.<their_domain> and ideally,
webmail.<their_domain>.  Needless to say, creating the DNS is no problem,
but the SSL cert is a bit trickier.  

I'm pretty sure we'll need to set up apache to listen on one IP address per
cert/vhost.  I'm fairly sure we'll also need to do something similar with
Cyrus.  I can see a discussion of this in Cyrus here, which is reassuring.


Has anyone else done this with Kolab?  I'm wary of deviating to far from
the normal server config, but I don't want our users to have to get used to
"certificate not match domain" errors and I don't want them to have to use
a domain that doesn't match their email address.

It would be really nice if, when you add extra mail domains to kolab, it
had a standard way to configure certificates for that extra domain.

Any thoughts/advice/suggestions?


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