Pop3 lock with outlook

Skip Morse skipmorse at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 19:36:13 CEST 2010

Hey all,

I know I've seen this issue mentioned before and i thought it was on
the wiki, but I'm not seeing it so just thought I'd ask...

We're using the Toltec connector with Outlook 2003, I have 1 user that
just started reporting this issue (I have no clue how long it's
actually been happning), on receive, outlook is giving an error with
this message: "error 0x8004210e your mailbox is temporarily
unavailable because another email message is being delivered to it or
another mail application is accessing it"

I vaguely remember someone suggesting the fix for that is to just send
an email to that user, but I tried that and it didn't fix the issue...


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