What does kolabfilter do with Outlook iCal messages?

Diego Woitasen diegows at xtech.com.ar
Thu Jun 10 17:22:06 CEST 2010

I read the code quickly as I understood Kolabfilter changes the inline
Outlook ICal messages and put then attached to the email message.

I have some problems with Outlook 2000 (with Toltec) because it doesn't
understand the invitation or replies that come from an Exchange Server 2000
(with Outlook 2000 users). Outlook 2000 with Kolab only accepts iCal
messages inline but the messages from Exchange have the iCal as an attach.

I don't know if I have to enable allow_outlook_ical_forward, it's not very
clear what that option do.


Diego Woitasen
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