testing kolab 2.2.3 and zpush-1.3-kolabbackend-0.6.1

Carsten Burghardt carsten at cburghardt.com
Fri Jul 16 13:47:08 CEST 2010

Zitat von Alain Abbas <alain.abbas at libertech.fr>:

> hi thorsten
> there were a task on my server. tasks run well in a mobile device
> could ypu updated kolab::format?
> there are a bug inside for the task who block the sync
> i think that is the problem. my test server is in 2.2.4 and the  
> kolab::format is corrected for this version
> i will have soon a N900 i will can debug step by qtep what happens  
> with this device

I tested the latest version which you uploaded together with my Kolab  
2.2.2 but neither calendar nor contacts are synced. Switching back to  
0.4/Z-Push 1.3 solves the problem. Client is Samsung Galaxy S (Android  
2.1). How could I debug what is going on there? I haven't noticed  
obvious errors in the debug.txt.


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