Experimental kolab-z-push packages available

Carsten Burghardt carsten at cburghardt.com
Thu Jul 8 09:50:36 CEST 2010

Zitat von Christoph Wickert <wickert at kolabsys.com>:

> On Tuesday 06 July 2010 10:09:51 Alain Abbas wrote:
>> Carsten Burghardt a écrit :
>> > I am still running Kolab 2.2.2 (the last one provided for SuSE)
>> > together with Z-Push Kolab 0.4 and I heavily rely on this combination.
>> > Can you provide a brief overview what parts of Kolab 2.2.4 are
>> > required for your new Z-Push Kolab version?
> You will need the packages from that directory of course. AFAIK you will also
> need php with JSON enabled. The new kolab-weblient is not stricktly needed,
> you can also get the information about your mobile with getsyncdevice.php.
> In doubt, please rely to Alain, he is the developer so he knows best. He will
> push out some more changes to 0.6 and I will then package 0.6.1 ASAP.
>> Hi Carsten
>> I will release today or tomorrow a source installation for the old kolab
>> versions
> So for Carsten it might be best to wait for this version.

Yes, that sounds sensible. Waiting for the packages ;-)



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