Kolab Z-Push Contact Picture Sync Bug?

Kai Holthaus kmh at sonic.net
Wed Dec 29 04:55:46 CET 2010


I was wondering why my z-Push installation wouldn't sync most of my pictures 
to my Android phone. When I dug into the code, I found this in 
backend/kolab.php (line 1842):

if ($ctype[0] == "image/jpeg") {

Turns out that most of my pictures were stored as pngs, not jpegs. Changing 
line 1842 to

if (($ctype[0] == "image/png") || ($ctype[0] == "image/jpeg")) {

seems to have fixed the problem - pictures are now showing up on my phone.



Hoftstadter's Law:
"It always takes longer than you expect,
even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law."
                                      -- Douglas R. Hoftstadter

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