upgrading to v2.2.4 when compiled from source

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at kolabsys.com
Mon Aug 16 10:24:59 CEST 2010

Zitat von Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie>:

> Hi,
> On Mon, 09 Aug 2010, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
>> Hmmm.  It looks like that didn't install the upgrade.
>>   root at hostname:~/kolab_maintenance/kolab_upgrade_v2.2.4#  
>> /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -q kolabd
>>   kolabd-2.2.3-20091217
> I think I've discovered the problem.  When we first installed kolab v2.2.3
> it was on Debian v5.0.4 but the Debian version had since moved on to 5.0.5.
> In a couple of places in the install-kolab.sh, there was a statement like:
> 	PLATTAG=`"$PREFIX/bin/openpkg" rpm -q --qf="%{ARCH}-%{OS}" openpkg`-$TAG
> which produced amd64-debian5.0.4-kolab when amd64-debian5.0.5-kolab was the
> required string.  In the two places this occurs, I've added an extra line
> immediately below to over-ride it:
> 	PLATTAG="amd64-debian5.0.5-$TAG"
> Things seem to be progressing now and a large amount of compilation is
> going on.

Ah, thanks. I just read a similar report an hour ago... catching up  
after my vacation. So you are probably not the only one experiencing  
the issue.

I added Thomas on cc. He should be able to say if this is something we  
should track in an issue or if we need to update the documentation for  
the installation process.



> Gavin
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