upgrading to v2.2.4 when compiled from source

Gavin McCullagh gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie
Tue Aug 10 00:57:52 CEST 2010


On Mon, 09 Aug 2010, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> Hmmm.  It looks like that didn't install the upgrade.
>   root at hostname:~/kolab_maintenance/kolab_upgrade_v2.2.4# /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -q kolabd
>   kolabd-2.2.3-20091217

I think I've discovered the problem.  When we first installed kolab v2.2.3
it was on Debian v5.0.4 but the Debian version had since moved on to 5.0.5.
In a couple of places in the install-kolab.sh, there was a statement like:

	PLATTAG=`"$PREFIX/bin/openpkg" rpm -q --qf="%{ARCH}-%{OS}" openpkg`-$TAG

which produced amd64-debian5.0.4-kolab when amd64-debian5.0.5-kolab was the
required string.  In the two places this occurs, I've added an extra line
immediately below to over-ride it:


Things seem to be progressing now and a large amount of compilation is
going on.


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