Send/Recieve Mailproblem

Thomas Spuhler thomas at
Sun Apr 11 16:54:37 CEST 2010

On Sunday 11 April 2010 02:56:22 am Richard Bos wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Op zaterdag 10 april 2010 23:55:06 schreef Thomas Spuhler:
> > OK, I get mail. I missed some entries in the /dist_conf/mandriva file
> > in the resmgr section. 
> That is good news :)
> What is the next step?  Did you already try to schedule a meeting and to 
> invite another person to the party?  That should result in an email as well.
I need to clean up the spec files (lots of commented out lines, etc. and then submit the to the Mandriva BS for including it into Cooker (at beta 1 now)
The it will be tested by a lot of folks.
> > I also changed a grp to root. Maybe dangerous, but
> >  SUSE had it this way. Need to check, if I can use something more like
> >  kolab.
> I don't think it is dangerous.  The base distribution uses root for those 
> files as well.  You (we) should stick to the ownerships that are used by the 
> base distribution and if the base distribution 'root' we should do so as well.
It seems, it works setting it to kolab.
There are a lot of users that need to be different on Mandriva and package names too. It could be very similar on Fedora. I am going to do some more testing today and then submit a new dist_conf file.


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